Create and approve new items with seamless integration to the backend with EASYProcess New Item Approval
With EASYProcess New Item Approval, you can:

- Streamline and go paperless with all your approval and item creation processes
- Maintain data integrity throughout with enforcement of necessary rules
- Include required attachments based on vendor type
- Gain full integration with your backend system with a single source of truth
- Mistake-proof your processes and eliminate duplicate entries leading to reduced user training needs
“We used to use a group of file folders on a public server and pass Excels along. Now everyone sees the same data and approves through a workflow mechanism.”
Workflows that can follow any hierarchy and approval criteria along with all the standard workflow features like email notifications, delegation, watcher, escalation, and more
Capable of linear and parallel approvals as well as multiple bracing
Create, change and propagate items based on what your model requires
Process updates to the item using an existing item as a template
Create complex forms with fields and sections that change based on user or item type
Available in on-premise, Saas/mobile deployment options
Check out the EasyProcess new item master demo

“We interact with the Item Master, BOM, Item Branch, the Routing File, Cost Tables, Purchasing, MRP; everything that it takes to set up an item is done through K-Rise Systems’ New Item Portal.”
Carolina Biological Supply New Item Project Team