Case Studies


Blueprint 4D
Dallas, TX
May 9th 2024
Speaking at a Blueprint 4D event, Jacob Neises with Michelman outlines how K-Rise’s no code platform makes app development simple
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No-Code/Low-Code Success Story

In a presentation at Blueprint 4D in May 2024, Michelman JDE Developer, Jacob Neises walked through his experience using the K-rise no-code/low code platform.  Jacob highlighted key takeaways on the platform’s ease of use, efficiency in development and testing, support and training, and future-proofing capabilities.  

Ease of Use

“It’s just drag and drop…If you want to get really fancy, you can… but you can get most of what you need done just by dragging and dropping.” 

When it comes to app development platforms, ease of use is critical for users of all skill levels. Jacob, who had a foundational understanding of XML, found that K-Rise’s user-friendly interface and extensive pre-built solutions made app development accessible, even without deep technical expertise. The platform allowed him to quickly dive in and start building applications, focusing on creativity rather than code.

“I really believe that regardless of what you do on a day-to-day basis, you can become an app developer. I didn’t think I was going to be one, but now it’s fun. You create the app, and it’s only limited by your creativity.” 

Efficiency in Developing and Testing

“I like the instant gratification, especially being technical, making all these changes. I want to know what it looks like right away.”

Efficiency in the development process is crucial, and Jacob found the software to significantly save time when developing and testing applications. “Developing and testing in seconds is huge,” he said, highlighting how quickly he could see results and refine his app.

With K-Rise, users can instantly switch between desktop and phone views to see how the app looks across devices. Additionally, users can preview the app on specific devices, such as an iPhone or Galaxy, to get a detailed view of how the app responds in real-world use cases.

Support and Training 

“They helped along the way. They have great support with the chat features and stuff like that.” 

For Jacob, the support and training provided by K-Rise were essential to his success with the platform. From on-site training to ongoing support through the built-in chat feature, K-Rise ensured that Jacob never felt stuck or overwhelmed during the development process. “We actually had Ben come on-site and help us train, and then we developed an application as a group,” Jacob recalled. This personalized support helped Jacob and his team get up to speed quickly and build their first application with confidence.

The continuous availability of support through the platform’s chat feature was a standout aspect for Jacob. “They’ve always pointed me in the right direction, and it’s humbling sometimes to see, ‘Oh, that was it,’” he said, emphasizing how the K-Rise team consistently provided effective guidance. Whether troubleshooting a specific issue or providing tips on best practices, the responsive and knowledgeable support team played a key role in Jacob’s positive experience with the software.

Future Proofing

“Future-proofing is going to save you a lot of work.” 

One of the key advantages of K-Rise is its future-proofing capabilities, ensuring that applications remain functional and relevant as technology evolves. For Jacob, this was a crucial benefit. As he explained, any updates or changes he made to the applications were streamlined by the platform’s ability to handle evolving technology seamlessly. “You’re just following the standard functionality or custom function, whatever you want. You define the versions and everything you’re using, but those are the objects you’re retrofitting for any updates,” Jacob noted.

By leveraging K-Rise’s cloud-based infrastructure, Jacob and his team could easily stay on top of new features and updates without needing to constantly rebuild their applications. The platform’s ability to handle device-specific settings and integrate with evolving technologies meant that the team could confidently deploy apps across multiple devices without issue. As Jacob put it, “There’s always going to be evolving technology, but this still has the one platform you’re developing on, with one source of code.”

The future-proofing features offered by K-Rise not only saved Jacob time and effort in maintaining his applications but also ensured that his solutions would remain viable and effective as the landscape of technology continues to change.

For developers of all skill levels, K-Rise offers a comprehensive solution that simplifies app development while providing the flexibility and resources needed for success.